Received the well-known mask that everyone is talking about lately from hermomy. For those who still have no clue of this mask, it's actually came from a Korean plastic surgery medical group, Regen Medical Group. I can't believe it's finally in Malaysia now! Regen 2 Step Synergy Effect Mask, it's the most effective mask to get an instant V-line effect! Sounds unbelievable isn't it? Let's not jump to conclusions, I will show you the before and after pictures later on. :)
Regen 2 Step Synergy Effect Mask actually have 4 different types of mask, which are mainly for moisturising, pore tightening, whitening and anti-wrinkle. Which means that it has double functions that it not only gives you the V-line face effect, it also comes with various types for different purposes. I love the packaging, the images and descriptions are easy to understand even though mostly are in Korean words.
The mask is developed by Regen Medical Group, suggesting to achieve V-line of Asian women without undergoing plastic surgery.
The mask need no explanation, as the cover of the mask explains the functions of the mask.
You could easily follow the steps by the images provided on the back of the mask cover.
I am going to demonstrate the process of doing the Regen 2 Step Synergy Effect Mask. This is the before picture without any makeup.
Why 2 steps?
Step 1 is actually to plump the effect, depends on the functions of the mask, which are mainly on 4 functions, whitening, anti-wrinkle, moisturising and pore tightening.
Step 2 is to reduce the puffy face and achieve instant V-line face. The mask extracts from Halophyte, an organism which thrives in very salty environments, help eliminate bloating and water retention. The concept is simple, osmotic pressure created by the hypertonic environment lifts out excess water that bulks your face. The end result? A gorgeously slim V-line face with 91.5 degree angles, the "golden" measurement for a beautiful visage.
I am choosing the moisturising mask as I always concern more on moisturising. I like their mask as it contains lots of essence inside the packet, you could see the essence is actually dripping on my face. Wow!
Step 2 mask for the jaw line. It's jelly typed mask so it is easier to apply, just wear it on the ears and done!
It looks like having some kind of plastic surgery haha! But my face actually looks smaller covering the mask on lol. Waiting for 20 minutes patiently.
After 20 minutes
As you can see from the picture below, my face turns brighter and hydrated. Also I noticed my face becomes smaller, V-line face achieved!
Another pictures with more obvious comparisons.
You could visit to have more detailed instructions.
I love Regen 2 Step Synergy Effect Mask! It makes me love my nude face more! Can't wait to try on the rest of the masks!
Where to get it?
For more information, visit

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