This was the third birthday I've celebrated with my current boyfriend, flashing back the memories that we've been through, it's not like a dream to me. As I am not young anymore, don't have much time to think of having a fancy and adventurous relationship. I may be a realistic girl, who needs a man that could bring a sense of security. It's true, this is an elemental requirement for a guy. Imagine if you be with someone that you don't see any future in him? Yes, an old girl (considered as woman) talks like that. Marriage is still long way to go, even though I noticed many people around me are married. but I am blessed to have a man that I am actually feel secured staying with him.
Speaking of my birthday, didn't really throw a party, but still managed to celebrate with friends and babes separately. And I've never expected to receive presents from em! So happy and thank you. Boyfriend celebrated my birthday earlier but on the actual day, he still took me for a romantic birthday dinner at Mezze bistro, Medan Damansara.
Mezze restaurant is a romantic place to dine in. Their price is reasonably average and for those who love wine, you must pay a visit! As their wine selections are more than you could imagine! There was a helpful sommelier helping us to choose wine based on our preference. I give one more like! He helped us to save our time searching wine from the long list.
I like somewhat fruity taste so he recommended this, René Muré Gewürztraminer.
Food is served during the time we were savoring wine.
Recommended dish, Chilli shrimp spaghetti
Olio Bacon
Chocolate Fondant as my mini birthday cake hehe
Thank you for everything. *love you*
Outfit of the night
Vintage floral dress from bkk
Arm candy: Balenciaga classic bracelet
Pandora bracelet
Pink Lady Dior bag
Loving the details of my dress
Happy Birthday to myself. hehe
Thank you my boyfriend, love you. xx

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