I wanna blog about make-up tutorial soon!
Actually I was thinking should I blog or not because I scared my skill is not as good as others and another thing is don't know whether my readers like it or not? So I am asking my readers right now, do you wish me to blog about make-up tutorial? If yes, do you prefer video's or picture's? I'd appreciate your comment! :)
Anyway, I am gonna talk about Kanebo Salon that I went last week. Thanks to Kanebo Malaysia and Nuffnang for the invites!
Mr Shunichi Suzuki, a professional make-up artist all the way from Japan was here to demonstrate us make-up look and Diana was the lucky one who did the makeover!
Here is her after-make-up!
Looks amazing and pretty right?
Lunasol eye make-up series
I am using the their eyeliner, above one is liquid type another below one is gel type. Gel type is super waterproof and long-lasting.
Every year, Kanebo will comes out a Face Powder with unique packaging. It's so pretty! I am willing to carry it all the time hehe!
2012 Milano collection, Kanebo Face Powder.
Pardon my make-up less face lol
New collection of Lunasol Starter Kit 2012A Limited Edition.
Diana, Jenn, yours truly
So here's what inside my goodies bag. I just realized mine one is different from others. :( (I don't have lipstick nor lipgloss)
Kanebo Malaysia
No.16, Jalan Telawi 5, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur.
03- 2282 1218

What's your opinion?