December has been another hectic month for me, just finished my final of this semester last week and I hadn't been slacking off, as there were a lot of events and parties! New year eve is coming soon, still thinking how to spend my new year eve. How are you going to spend yours? Party? Dinner? Movie with partner? Chill out with friends? Every year we celebrate the same thing again and again, to me the most important thing is celebrate with the our family, friends and loved one happily and peacefully. :)
If you really into gadgets and technology, you should follow! Because they are all about the latest information of technology and gadgets, and I was honoured to be invited to be their special guests in their Christmas Edition, Techduology Live!
(Pic credit:
Not to forget, this adorable kid wore his transformer's helmet purposely to get his prize! Haha!
My babe, Diana is here to support me! hehe
Outfit of the day
Pink curvy dress from Pe'Miracle
Yellow wristlet from bkk
Topshop belt
(ps:/ my first Christmas pressie from boyfriend, iPhone 5! hehe Thanks to my boyfriend Muackss)
Christmas Nail art, YSL inspired.
First house party that I've joined this year! Thanks to Tim and his friends' for the invites and I've got my Christmas gifts too! hehe
Watsons Music Festival 2012
I joined the party and all I can say is the artists who performanced on that day were awesome! Especially BOB and Far East Moevement!
Babe Monie's 18th Birthday
Babe Monie is officially 18 years old now! She is so young, so envy! Still remember our first met was during tv commercial. Time flies! She celebrated her birthday dinner at Souled Out.
Group picture
Babe Monie, love her!
Babe Joey and I
Fond of this mint drinks!
Met new friends! Mickey & Kerchi
And the day we worked as usherette together. Love the kebaya costume. :)
Aunt's wedding dinner at my hometown. Congrats!
Mommy, Aunts, yours truly, sister
My sweet couzie, HuiYu
My sweetie pie, maomao (love her so much!)
Sister's love, babeee (She's in kl now hehe)
My hair color is fading now, but I was surprised for the duration of the color stay because my hair is so fragile and I thought my hair would be gone because of dip dye. In fact my hair still sui sui! hehe. Guess it's time to visit my hairstylist again. :p

What's your opinion?