Tagged along Karen babe with me to the fashion show. Had our lunch at Umai Ya before the show.
I am in love with my new camera. See how pretty the pictures are! Perhaps I can do a camera review next time!
We reached earlier than we expected and the show supposed to start at 7pm. Had our drinks and waiting for the rest of girls to come. The store was getting more and more crowded later on.
They served refreshments to the invited guests.
I am wearing top with studs just like Balenciaga's studded bags lol!
Fashion show started suddenly without our notice with beautiful models came out and posing. All is fall/winter 2012-2013 collections.
She looked like a mannequin right? So perfectly unreal!
Love the mix animal printed clutch
End of fashion show
Outfit of the night
Studded top from coupederobes
Heels from Aldo
Chanel puzzle patent bag
Beware of my top! haha

What's your opinion?