The hotel we stayed in during the time in Rome, La Maison de Famille.
Love the room so much! It's like a guest house. Everything is well-decorated and simple.
There were only few rooms in this hotel because it was a guest house. But the service was good and the receptionist was helpful. :)
The antique elevator caught my attention.
Walking down to the streets.
And decided to take the horse taxi. It was so so expensive that he told us 200 euro at first! We bragained till 50 euro but still it was expensive! Because it was just 15 minutes journey to the destination.
Apparently he did not know how to get a good picture lol
Reached Fontana di Trevi!
Seriously, it was so pack that so hard to get a good picture without people in it. And it wasn't that romantic that I'd expected. As too many tourists around and trying to get the picture of the fountain.
We came again at night to get a night view picture of trevi fountain. Not many pictures taken, hopefully we could have the chance to visit trevi fountain again.
Also there is a traditional legend saying that if visitors throw a coin into the fountain, they are ensured a return to Rome. For those who are not familiar with the tossing of the "three coins",
The current version is you throw two coins,
(1) to guarantee that return trip to the Eternal City
(2) it will lead to a new romance and
(3) will ensure either a marriage or divorce! Legend says that this act brings good luck.
I made my wish! :)

What's your opinion?